
10 things I'm going to do in Sweden

It's been almost a year since I last saw Stockholm and on Thursday me and P are flying there to celebrate midsummer and spend a week in our old home town. After that we're going to Gothenburg to visit my family for a couple of days. H-o-l-i-d-a-y! So excited. Even though there isn't much about Sweden that I miss in my everyday life, there's a couple of things that's on top of my to do list when we're there. Here's ten things I'm going to do in Sweden.

1. Visit Trädgården and dance in the sun, drink beer, hug and say "Hi!" to all the people I used to know but haven't met in ages.

2. Hang out on Stora Essingen with The Hurricane Collective.

3. Go shopping on Weekday! Here's some things I wouldn't mind from their current sale.

4. Have a freezing swim in the ocean (or maybe not...).

5. Eat licorice flavored ice-cream, crayfish salad, soft flatbread and Swedish cheese.

6. Visit the countryside and take a walk in a forest.

7. Visit the archipelago.

8. Go to an open air party.

9. Visit my old job and see their current exhibition that looks stunning judging by the picture.

10. Hang out with family and friends (duh).

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