You might think all I do is run around at festivals but no (i wish though). However, this last Saturday me and Peter got up and took the bus down to Victoria park to visit Field day!
The reason we were there so early was that I was dying to see Avalon Emerson play. Unfortunately it seamed I was the only one cause it was dead empty.
Mandatory festival falafel for lunch. Yum.
Mandatory festival weather when we went to do some after lunch dancing at the DJ Koze gig.
But after rain there's sunshine – and Adam!
My tattoos.
Then we were hungry again, meaning burger dinner!
More friends, more hugs <3
This absolute star is my friend Sannah.
And these pastel babes are Sandra and Johanna. Together the five of us went to see Mura Masa which was the craziest, most crowded and most amazing gig of the day. I was two seconds from a panic attic because of the crowdedness but still, it was amazing.
The rain had made the previously green grass into a pile of mud. I was wearing white sneakers :(
Last but not least we saw James Blake. Peter is perhaps his second biggest fan but his number one fan was a girl that stood just one step behind us and shouted "Go Jamie!" and "I love you Jamie!" in between every other song.
The best part was a sort of improvised and very unexpected dance part.
Such a great end of a great festival day.
Then the only thing left for these lil freaks was walking home, via McDonalds cheese bites.
Game over.