
Uh-huh I'm famous

Yesterday after work I met up with P and walked to Chatsworth road.

For some Turkish meze at Pivaz (which was so so good). This is my hungry face.

Bae in London sunset light.

 P told me he had been to some kind of festival by St John's church earlier and that the girl who worked in the bar told him she liked my blog. I was like OMG DOES ANYBODY ACTUALLY READ THIS? And then I went all UH-HUH I'M FAMOUS NOW. Thanks for making my day whoever you are <3

London!!! Sunset!!!

Then we went home, ate chokladbollar in bed and watched reruns of the Danish-Swedish tv series The Bridge.


  1. Haha! That girl was me! My boyfriend owns an East London brewery and I was helping out! Love your blog!
